“Fifty Nude Women” is a short film montage, set to music and featuring hundreds of images of women's bodies—all ages, shapes, sizes, and colors.
Breasts, legs, bellies, hips, backs...wrinkled skin, bulging muscles, stretch marks... all are represented in a lively montage meant solely to show what women's bodies actually look like.
The women in this video are not professional models. They are fifty regular women from all walks of life, who volunteered to be photographed for this project. The women range in age from 21 to 95 years old.
The women were filmed by an all-female crew in a New York City studio over a 3-day weekend.
This video was made as a resource for those interested in seeing realistic images of women's bodies (or who think they could learn a little something about them).
It may be especially useful...
• For women or men with concerns about what's "normal" or "realistic"
• For classroom use, to instigate dialogue about body image & representations of women in popular culture
• For parents to share with their children as a reference tool to promote healthy body acceptance
• For adolescent girls, to offset unrealistic media stereotypes of women's bodies before they sink in as a damaging personal standard
• For adolescent boys, who have a natural curiosity about women's bodies: Parents may wish to share this 'alternative' resource to balance the types of 'references' they may already be checking out. (ahem)
• As a tool to promote a healthy acceptance of aging
• For doctors, therapists, and counselors: a visual aid to provide patients struggling with body acceptance and eating disorders
• For people who like naked ladies